Voices of Prevention
— June 2023 —

Intervention Section for the Division of Behavioral Health. Nationally and across Alaska our communities have been devastated by the impacts of COVID-19. Your coalitions have been there to help. Because of your work, our Alaskan communities are so very lucky to have the coalitions that prioritize and promote health, wellness and connections between community members.
2023 Event

June 23, 2023
This hybrid Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) training will provide an overview of the SBIRT framework and evidence for the efficacy of SBIRT, introduce basics for each step of SBIRT, and offer SBIRT best practices and recommendations. This training is geared toward medical and behavioral health administrators and providers who are interested in learning about and integrating SBIRT into their care setting. We will be offering the sessions and workgroups simultaneously in-person and virtually.
Why are we doing this?
Prevention is a critical aspect to the continuum of Behavioral Health Care offered by the State of Alaska, Division of Behavioral Health. For this reason, it is very important to have events dedicated to the focus of prevention throughout Alaska. It is very rare to have the opportunity to truly focus on prevention and the ways in which communities are better off because of our prevention practices.